

汪延成 教授|博士生导师

邮箱: yanchwang@zju.edu.cn

地址: 浙江大学紫金港校区机械大楼开物苑3-309室


汪延成,教授、博导,国家级青年人才、浙江省杰出青年基金获得者、美国制造工程师学会杰出青年制造工程师。现为流体动力基础件与机电系统全国重点实验室固定成员、浙江省先进制造技术重点实验室副主任、浙江大学机械工程国家级实验教学示范中心副主任。主要从事机器人智能感知与微制造方向研究,已主持完成或在研科研项目包括:国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金,浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年基金和面上项目,浙江省重点研发计划项目等。在Advanced Materials,IEEE和ASME等系列汇刊上发表学术论文140余篇,其中期刊封面论文8篇,授权发明专利60余件,出版学术专著1部。研究成果曾获浙江省技术发明一等奖(3,2021),浙江省科技进步一等奖(排6,2022),国际期刊与国际学术会议最佳论文奖8次。

主讲本科生课程2门,均入选浙江省一流本科课程;出版教材2部,教学成果曾获国家级教学成果二等奖(排6,2023)、浙江省教学成果一等奖(排5, 2021)、浙江大学教学成果一等奖(排3,2016)。


2019/04 – 至今,浙江省先进制造技术重点实验室,副主任

2017/12 – 至今,浙江大学机械工程国家级实验教学示范中心,副主任

2020/12 – 至今,浙江大学,机械工程学院,教授

2014/03 – 2020/12,浙江大学,机械工程学院,讲师、副教授

2011/09 – 2014/02,美国密歇根大学,机械工程系,Postdoctoral Research Fellow

2011/03 – 2011/09,浙江大学,机械工程学系,学科博士后






申请条件:1) 具有机械、机器人、机电控制相关专业博士学位,年龄35周岁以下;2) 具有良好的学术道德、严谨科学态度、良好的团队合作意识和较强的科研工作能力;3) 近3年以第一作者发表过高水平SCI论文;






许诚瑶,吴琼,刘海宇(国家奖学金),宣凌锋,王世航,盘何旻(国家奖学金,2023.10-2024.10 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院联合培养)金杰,张中坛,李鑫,刘玮杰,韩宇







1) 付翔,2019.10-2021.10;工作单位:之江实验室


5) 王越(2019.9-2020.8 美国乔治华盛顿大学联合培养),2022届,数字光处理式三维打印工艺的理论建模及实验研究


3)薛岱浙江省优秀毕业生,浙大优秀毕业生,国家奖学金;2017.10-2018.4 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校联合培养),2019届,器官芯片的数字化投影式三维打印工艺与应用研究




27) 蓝锦伟,2023届,质子交换膜燃料电池电堆组装过程的仿真建模及压力分布优化研究

26) 戴松乔浙江省优秀毕业生,浙大优秀毕业生2023届,类肤双互锁型触觉传感器设计及其盲文输入实验研究

25) 陈志坚浙江省优秀毕业生,浙大优秀毕业生2023届,具有触觉力和接近觉检测功能的复合式多功能柔性传感器研究

24) 余世政(浙江省优秀毕业生,浙大优秀毕业生,国家奖学金),2023届,泡沫式载体催化剂涂层的离心负工艺及装置研究

23) 司尚宇(浙大优秀毕业生)2023届,制氢微反应器中波纹基板的冲压成形工艺建模及实验研究

22) 陈宇宏(浙大优秀毕业生),2023届,12英寸硅片外延生长的反应腔结构设计及工艺参数仿真研究

21) 刘佳薇,2022届,介质排布复合结构的声表面波辅助3D打印方法及工艺研究

20) 穆聪聪(浙大优秀毕业生),2022届,机器人多模式抓取时的触觉力检测及手势识别应用研究

19) 程佳峰,2022届,碳化硅外延生长的反应腔体设计及实验研究

18) 白天(浙大优秀毕业生),2022届,大尺寸单片式硅外延生长设备的反应腔室设计及实验研究

17) 章小龙,2021届,制氢微反应器的波纹基板与泡沫铜的连接工艺及层叠装配研究

16) 鲁映彤(江省优秀毕业生,浙大优秀毕业生,国家奖学金),2021届,基于液态金属的多功能可穿戴式柔性触觉传感器研究

15) 丁文(浙大优秀毕业生),2021届,智能机器人可穿戴的非均布式柔性触觉传感器研究

14) 曾伟迪(浙大优秀毕业生),2021届,基于梯度多孔表面催化剂载体的制氢微反应器仿真建模及实验研究

13) 张若愚,2020届,用于旋转超声加工的半波谐振超声振子设计及实验研究

12) 凌伟文,2020届,SUS304不锈钢薄板的微弯曲回弹数值仿真建模及实验研究

11) 刘洋,2020届,机器人手可穿戴的压阻式柔性触觉传感器结构设计及其研制

10) 张天佑,2020届,双向可逆燃料电池的极板流场设计及其性能研究

9) 陈稼宁浙大优秀毕业生浙江省2020年优秀硕士学位论文),2020届,柔性触觉传感阵列的滑移检测力学建模及其表面识别研究

8) 韩晨阳浙大优秀毕业生浙江省2020年优秀硕士学位论文,国家奖学金),2020届,聚合物基微结构阵列的声模成形理论建模及局域化成形方法研究

7) 武欣浙大优秀毕业生),2019届,用于智能机器人物体抓取中触滑觉信息检测的柔性触觉传感阵列研究

6) 黄林新浙江省优秀毕业生,浙大优秀毕业生国家奖学金),2019届,表面多孔化微通道制氢反应器的分形构建及其传热传质特性研究

5) 于宗楷浙大优秀毕业生,2018届,基于表面微结构的细胞培养芯片设计及实验研究

4) 李佳碧浙大优秀毕业生),2018届,用于微反应器余热回收的板翅式温差发电器设计与制造

3) 谢   扩,2017届,基于声表面波的图案化微结构阵列的无模成形技术研究

2) 刘海燕浙大优秀毕业生),2016届,用于人体热量回收的表链式柔性温差发电器的设计与制造

1) 席凯伦浙江省优秀毕业生,国家奖学金),2016届,面向假肢手抓取中触滑觉检测的柔性触觉传感阵列研究


*Google Scholar citations: 2944, h-index: 29, as of October 2023. 

Cover Paper

Published Book and Monograph

          1. 汪延成,《制造工程与工程》,浙江大学出版社,2020年10月.

          2. 汪延成,梅德庆,《分布式柔性触觉传感阵列——设计、建模、检测应用》,科学出版社,2021年1月.

          3. 汪延成,《机械制造工程基础》,高等教育出版社,2023年2月.

Selected Journal Paper  

109. Liu WJ, Xiang FH, Mei DQ, Wang YC*, A flexible dual-mode capaciti sensor for highly sensitive touchless and tactile sensing in human-machine interactions, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023.

108.  Wu Q, Wang YC, Zhou HN, Qiu XY, Mei DQ, Measurement of Reaction Temperature Distribution inside of Methanol Steam Reforming Microreactor Using Infrared Thermography, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023.

107. Jin J, Wang SH, Mei DQ, Mao CH, Wang YC*, A novel flexible centralized force sensor based on tri-axis force refactoring method for arbitrary force components measurement,Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023.

106. 邓世伟,沈文杰,陈宇宏,白天,梅德庆,汪延成*,硅外延生长反应腔内外延反应过程的数值仿真建模及实验研究,机械工程学报,2023.

105. Luo T, Liu SR, Zhou R, Zhang C, Chen DY, Zhan Y, Hu QL, He X, Xie Y, Huan ZJ, Gao WD, Li RR, Yuan GF, Wang YC, Zhou W. Contactless acoustic tweezer for droplet manipulation on superhydrophobic surfaces, Lab on a Chip, 2023.

104. Liu HY, Mei DQ, Qian SY, Wang YC*, Vat photopolymerization of polymer-derived SiC ceramic with triply period minimal surface structure for hydrogen production,Additive Manufacturing, 2023. 

103. Wang SH, Jin J, Mei DQ, Wang YC*, Conformal Theoretical Modeling of Arbitrary Shape Flexible Electronic Sensors Mounted onto General Curved Surface Substrate,ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2023.

102. Wu Q, Mei DQ, Qiu XY, Wang YC*, Development of Multilevel Amplified Methanol Steam Reforming Microreactor with High Hydrogen Production Rate, Fuel, 2023.

101. Zhang ZT, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Jin J, A Highly Sensitive and Stretchable Ultrasonic Transducer Array for Object Internal Characteristics Detection in Robotics,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 2023.

100. Pan HM, Mei DQ, Xi CY, Li X, Wang YC*. Acoustic Tweezers Using Bisymmetric Coherent Surface Acoustic Waves for Dynamic and Reconfigurable Manipulation of Particle Multimers, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2023. (Cover Paper

99. Mao WZ, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Xuan LF, Zhou CY. Numerical Modeling and Experimental Study of Microstamping Process for Fabricating Microchannels using Thin Sheets of Titanium, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2023.

98. Dai SQ, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Tao K, Wang SH, A Portable One-hand Braille Input System Enabled by Dual-Interlocked Tactile Sensors for Communication, IEEE Transactions on Electronic Device, 2023.

97. Jin J, Wang SH, Zhang ZT, Mei DQ, Wang YC*, Progress on Flexible Tactile Sensors in Robotic Applications on Objects Properties Recognition, Manipulation and Human-Machine Interactions,Soft Science, 2023.(Soft Science公众号报道

96. Wang Y, Wang YC*, Mao CH, Mei DQ, Printing Depth Modeling, Printing Process Quantification and Quick-Decision of Printing Parameters in Micro-Vat Polymerization,Materials & Design, 2023. 

95. Yu SZ, Liu HY, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Development of Centrifugal Coating Device to Load CuZnZr/γ-Al2O3 Catalyst on Porous Substrates for Methanol Steam Reforming,Surface and Coating Technology, 2023.

94. Qian SY, Liu HY, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Structural Optimization of SiC Scaffold with Gradient Pore Size Distribution as Catalyst Support for Methanol Steam Reforming, Fuel, 2023 

93. Zhang Y, Li Q, Wu HR, Wang YC, Rencus-Lazar S, Zhao YR, Wang JQ, Mei DQ, Xu H, Gazit E, Tao, K,  Racemic Amino Acids Assembly Enables Supramolecular β-Sheet Transition with Property Modulations, ACS Nano, 2023.

92. Pan HM, Mei DQ, Xu CY, Weng WY, Han S, Wang YC*, Multifunctional acoustofluidic centrifuge device using tri-symmetrical design for particle enrichment and separation and multiphase microflow mixing, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023. 

91. Xuan LF, Wang YC, Lan JW, Tao K, Zhou CY, Mei DQ, Development of cathode ordered membrane electrode assembly based on TiO2 nanowire array and ultrasonic spraying, Energy, 2023. 

90. Liu HY, Mei DQ, Yu SZ, Qian SY, Wang YC*, Direct Ink Writing of Chopped Carbon Fibers Reinforced Polymer-derived SiC Composites with Low Shrinkage and High Strength, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023. (奇遇科技公众号报道

89. Pan HM, Mei DQ, Xu CY, Han S, Wang YC, Bisymmetric coherent acoustic tweezers based on modulation of surface acoustic waves for dynamic and cluster reconfigurable manipulation of particles and cells, Lab on a Chip, 2023.(Cover Paper)

88. Xu CY, Mei DQ, Zhu LF, Wang YC, Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensor Array Using Acoustic-Assisted Fabrication of Microstructures as Surface and Dielectric Layers, Sensors and Actuators A; Physics, 2022.

87. Zhang JH, Zhang Y, Wang YC, Rencus-Lazar S, Mei DQ, Gazit E, Tao K, Bio-organic adaptive photonic crystals enable supramolecular Solvatochromism, Nano Research, 2022.

86. Wang YC, Xu CY, Liu JW, Pan HM, Li Y, Mei DQ, Acoustic-assisted 3D printing based on acoustofluidic microparticles patterning for conductive polymer composites fabrication, Additive Manufacturing, 2022. 

85. Wang SH, Zhang ZN, Chen ZJ, Mei DQ, Wang YC*, Development of Pressure Sensor Based Wearable Pulse Detection Device for Radial Pulse Monitoring, Micromachines, 2022.

84. Weng WY, Pan HM, Wang YC*, High-throughput and directed microparticles manipulation in complex-shaped maze chambers based on travelling surface acoustic waves, Analyst, 2022.(Inside Cover Paper, Selected as Hot Article, RSC英国皇家化学会公众号报道

83. Fu X, Dong JN, Li L, Zhang L, Zhang JQ, Yu LT, Lin QH, Zhang JH, Jiang CP, Zhang J, Wu WZ, Fan FR, Wang YC, Yang Q, Fingerprint-inspired dual-mode tactile sensor for Robotic Static and Dynamic Perception, Nano Energy, 2022.(Flexible Intelligent Lab公众号报道

82. Wang SH, Wang YC*, Chen ZJ, Mei DQ, Kirigami Design of Flexible and Conformal Tactile Sensor on Sphere-shaped Surface for Contact Force Sensing, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022.

81. Mu CC, Mei DQ, Wang SH, Wang YC*, Development of a Robotic Hand Tactile Sensing System for Distributed Contact Force Sensing in Robotic Dexterous Multimodal Grasping,International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2022.

80. Mei DQ, Qiu XY, Liu HY, Wu Q, Yu SZ, Xu LM, Zuo T, Wang YC*, Progress on Key Technologies of Methanol Reforming for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Production and Applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022.

79. Zhang JH, Wang YC,  Rodriguez BJ, Yang RS, Yu B, Mei DQ, Tao K, Gazit E, Microfabrication of pepride self-assemblies: inspired by nature towards applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2022.

78. Si SY, Wu Q, Mei DQ, Mao WZ, Song SF, Xu LM, Zuo T, Wang YC*, Numerical Simulation of Microstamping Process to Fabricate Multi-channel of SUS304 Thin Sheets with Consideration of Grain Structures, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022.

77. Xiong ZH, Balasingam B, Li M, Li ZJ, Son HS, Wang YC, Introduction to the focused section on novel sensing and multi-sensor fusion in robotic, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Application, 2022.

76. Wang, YCLiu, HY, Mei DQ*, Yu SZ, Direct Ink Writing of 3D SiC Scaffold as Catalyst Support for Methanol Steam Reforming, Renewable Energy, 2022.

75. Wang YC,*  Pan HM, Mei DQ, Xu CY, Weng WY, Programmable Trajectory Manipulation of Microparticles Using Tri-Directional Symmetrical Acoustic Tweezer, Lab  on a Chip, 2022. (Inside Cover Paper

74. Wang YC, Yu SZ, Mei DQ*, Liu HY, Development of a Centrifugal Coating Method to Load Catalyst Washcoat onto Porous Substrates with High Uniformity and Adhesive Strength, Surface and Coating Technology, 2022.

73. Wang Y, Cui HT, Mei DQ, Wang YC*, Zhang LJ*, Emerging 4D printing strategies for next-generation tissue regeneration and medical devices, Advanced Materials, 2022. (高分子科学前沿、纳米人、奇物论等公众号报道

72. Wang YC,*  Dai SQ,  Mei DQ, Jin J, A Flexible Tactile Sensor with Dual-Interlocked Structure for Broad Range Force Sensing and Gaming Applications, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022.

71. Zhang JH, Guerin S, Wu HR, Xue B, Cao Y, Tofail SAM, Wang YC, Thompson D, Wang W, Tao K, Mei DQ, Gazit E, Modulating Vectored Non-Covalent Interactions for Layered Assembly with Engineerable Properties, Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 2022.

70. Wu Q, Wang YC,* Mei DQ,* Si SY, Development of Methanol Steam Reforming Microreactor Based on Stacked Wave Sheets and Copper Foam for Hydrogen Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022.

69. Wang YC,*  Chen ZJ, Mei DQ, Zhu LF, Fu X, Highly Sensitive and Flexible Tactile Sensor with Truncated Pyramid-Shaped Porous Graphene/Silicone Rubber Composites for Human Motion Detection, Composites Science and Technology, 2022.

68. Zhu LF, Wang YC,*  Mei DQ, Zhang L, Mu CC, Wang SH, Dai SQ, Chen ZJ, Large-area hand covering elastomeric skin sensor with distributed multifunctional sensing capability,Advanced Intelligent Systems,2022.(Selected as Editor's Choice)

67. Fu X, Zhang JQ, Xiao JL, Kang YR, Yu LT, Jiang CP, Pan YX, Dong H, Gao SK, Wang YC,* A High-Resolution, Ultrabroad-Range and Sensitive Capacitive Tactile Sensor based on CNTs/PDMS Composite for Robotic Hand, Nanoscale, 2021.

66. 汪延成*,刘佳薇,盘何旻,梅德庆, 聚合物基表面微结构的逐面式制造技术研究进展,机械工程学报,2021, 57(21): 220-233. (Cover Paper

65. Xuan LF,  Wang YC,* Mei DQ, Lan JW, Design and Modelling of 3D Bionic Cathode Flow Field for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Energies, 2021.

64. Wang YC,* Jin J, Lu YT, Mei DQ, 3D Printing of Liquid Metal Based Tactile Sensor for Simultaneously Sensing of Temperature and Forcess, International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 2021.(国际智能和纳米材料杂志公众号报道

63. Tao K, Orr AA, Hu W, Makam P, Geng Q, Zhang JH, Li XB, Jakubowski JM, Wang YC, Tamamis P, Yang RS, Mei DQ, Gazit E, EDTA-Mimic Amino Acid-Metal Ions Coordination for Multifunctional Packings, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021. (Inside Cover Paper

62. Jiang CP, Zhang Z, Pan J, Wang YC, Zhang L,* Tong LM, Finger-Skin Inspired Optical Tactile Sensor for Robotic Grasping, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021 

61. Wang YC, Liu HY, Mei DQ, Wu Q, Zhou HN, A novel thermally autonomous methanol steam reforming microreactor using SiC honeycomb ceramic as catalyst support for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021.

60. Wang YC, Ding W, Mei DQ, Robotic Hand with Envelop Designed Wearable Tactile Sensor for Distributed Contact Force Sensing, Measurement, 2021,180: 109524-11.

59. Wang YC,  Xu CY,  Mei DQ, Liu JW, Tunable Patterning of Microscale Particles Through a Surface Acoustic Wave Device with Slanted-Finger Interdigital Transducers, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2021, 22(5): 331-343. (Cover Paper,浙大学报英文版公众号报道

58. Wang YC,* Lu YT, Mei DQ, Zhu LF,  Liquid Metal-Based Wearable Tactile Sensor for Both Temperature and Contact Force Sensing, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(2): 1694-1703.

57. Wang Y, Cui HT, Wang YC, Xu CY, Esworthy T, Hann SY, Boehm M, Shen YL, Mei DQ, Zhang LJ, 4D Printed Cardiac Construct with Aligned Myofibers and Adjustable Curvature for Myocardial Regeneration, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(11): 12746-12758.(EngineeringForLife公众号报道

56.  Wang YC, Wu Q, Mei DQ, Wang YD, A methanol fuel processing system with methanol steam reforming and CO selective methanation modules for PEMFC application, International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(4): 6163-6173. 

55. Wang YC, Hong ZY, Mei DQ, A thermally autonomous methanol steam reforming microreactor with porous copper foam as catalyst support for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(9): 6734-6744.

54. Wang YC,* Wu Q, Mei DQ, Wang YD, Development of highly efficient methanol steam reforming system for hydrogen production and supply for a low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(46): 25317-25327.

53. Zhu LF, Wang YC,*  Mei DQ, Jiang CP, Development of Fully Flexible Tactile Pressure Sensor with Bilayer Interlaced Bumps for Robotic Grasping Applications, Micromachines, 2020, 11(8): 770-15. (Selected as Journal Feature Paper and Editor's Choice, Micromachines 2022 Best Paper Award)

52. Han CY, Wang YC,* Mei DQ, Acoustofluidic waveguides for fabrication of localized polymeric microstructure arrays, Applied Physics A, 2020, 126(8): 1-12.

51. 汪延成*; 鲁映彤; 丁文; 梅德庆, 柔性触觉传感器的三维打印制造技术研究进展, 机械工程学报,2020, 56(19): 239-252. (学报2020年第19期最受关注论文、机械工程学报公众号报道)

50. Zhu LF, Wang YC,*  Mei DQ, Ding W, Jiang CP, Lu YT, Fully elastomeric fingerprint-shaped electronic skin based on tunable patterned graphene/silver nanocomposites, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(28): 31725-31737.(材料科学前沿公众号报道

49. Liu YH, Shi YG, Li J, Guo XF, Wang YC, Xiang QP,* Guo SM, Ze RD, Zeng J, Xiang YC, Hao FH, Comprehensive Performance Prediction and Power Promotion for Wearable Thermoelectric Generator with Flexible Encapsulation in Practical Application, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 220: 113080.

48. Wang YC, Zeng WD, Mei DQ, Zhang XL,  Numerical Modeling of Microchannel Reactors with Gradient Porous Surfaces for Hydrogen Production Based on Fractal Geometry, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020.

47. Wang Y, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Scalable Printing of Bionic Multiscale Channel Networks Through Digital Light Processing-Based Three-Dimensional Printing Process, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2020.

46. Wang YC*, Wang Y, Mei DQ, Yu ZK, Xue D, Standing surface acoustic wave-assisted fabrication of patterned microstructures for enhancing cell migration,  Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 2020, 3(2): 87-97.

45. Wang YC*, Chen JN, Mei DQ, Recognition of surface texture with wearable tactile sensor array: A pilot Study, Sensors and Actuators A; Physics, 2020, 307: 111972-13.

44. Wang, Y.C.*, Xue, D., Mei, D.Q., Projection-Based Continuous 3D Printing Process With the Grayscale Display Method, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2020,142(2): 021003.

43. Wang, Y.C.*, Han, C.Y., Mei, D.Q., Standing Surface Acoustic Wave-Assisted Fabrication of Region-Selective Microstructures via User-Defined Waveguides, Langmuir, 2019, 35: 11225-11231. (Cover Paper

42. Xue, D., Zhang, J.X., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Digital Light Processing-Based 3D Printing of Cell-Seeding Hydrogel Scaffolds with Regionally Varied Stiffness, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, 5(9): 4825-4833.

41. Wang, Y.C.*, Zhu, L.F., Mei, D.Q., Zhu, W.D., A highly flexible tactile sensor with an interlocked truncated sawtooth structure based on stretchable graphene/silver/silicone rubber composites, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7: 8669-8679.

40. Wang, Y.C.*, Chen, J.N., Mei, D.Q., Flexible Tactile sensor array for slippage and grooved surface recognition in sliding movement, Micromachines, 2019, 10: 579-16.

39. Wang, Y.C.*, Wu, X., Mei, D.Q., Zhu, L.F., Chen, J.N., Flexible tactile sensor array for distributed tactile sensing and slip detection in robotic hand grasping, Sensors and Actuators A; Physics, 2019, 297: 111512-13.

38. Feng, Y.B., Mei, D.Q.*, Wang, Y.C., Cohesive zone method based multi particle finite element simulation of compaction densification process of Al and NaCl laminar composite powders, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2019, 134: 35-42.

37. Chen, L.Q. Mei, D.Q.*, Wang, Y.C., Li, Y., Ni barrier in Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric modules for reduced contact resistance and enhanced power generation properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 796: 314-320.

36. Wang, Y.C.*, Guo, X.T., Shi, Y.G., Mei, D.Q. Self-powered wearable ultraviolet index detector using a flexible thermoelectric generator, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2019, 29: 045002-8.

35. Xue, D., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q. Multi-step exposure method for improving structure flatness in digital light processing-based printing,Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 39: 106-113.

34. Zhu, L.F., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Wu, X., 2018, Highly Sensitive and Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on Porous Graphene Sponges for Distributed Tactile Sensing in Monitoring Human Motions, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2019, 28(1): 154-163.

33. Shi, Y.G., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2018, Wearable Thermoelectric Generator With Copper Foam as the Heat Sink for Body Heat Harvesting, IEEE Access, 6: 43602-43611.

32. Wang, Y.C., Huang, L.X., Mei, D.Q., Feng, Y.B., Qian, M., 2018, Numerical modeling of microchannel reactor with porous surface microstructure based on fractal geometry, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(49): 22447-22457. 

31. Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., 2018, Five-plane lancet needle design for soft PVC phantom tissue cutting, Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 1(3): 195-202.

30.Xue,D.,Wang,Y.C.*,Zhang,J., Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y., Chen, S.C., 2018, Projection-based 3D printing of cell patterning scaffolds with multi-scale channels, ACS Applied Material & Interface, 10(23): 19428-19435.

29. Yin, J., Yan, M.L., Wang, Y.C., Fu, J.Z., Suo, H.R., 2018, 3D bioprinting of low concentration cell-laden gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) bioinks with two-step crosslinking, ACS Applied Material & Interface, 10: 6849-6857. (ESI高被引论文)

28. Wang, Y.C., Shi, Y.G., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2018, Wearable Thermoelectric Generator to Harvest Body Heat for Powering a Miniaturized Accelerometer, Applied Energy, 215: 690-698. (ESI高被引论文)

27. Shi,Y.Q.,Wang, Y.C.*,Mei, D.Q.,Chen,Z.C.,2018, Numerical Modeling of the Performance of Thermoelectric Module with Polydimethylsiloxane Encapsulation, International Journal of Energy Research, 42:1287-1297. 

26.Wang,Y.C.,Xue, D., Mei, D.Q., 2018, Patterned Microstructure Array Fabrication by Using a Novel Standing Surface Acoustic Wave Device, ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, 6(2):021002-7.

25.Shi,Y.Q.,Wang,Y.C.,Mei,D.Q.,Feng,B.,Chen, Z.C., 2018, Design and Fabrication of Wearable Thermoelectric Generator Device for Heat Harvesting, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(1): 373-378.

24. Wang,Y.C., Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2017, Flexible Tactile Sensor Array Mounted on the Curved Surface: Analytical Modeling and Experimental Validation, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 26(5): 1002-1011.

23. Wang, Y.C., Shi, Y.Q., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2017, Wearable Thermoelectric Generator for Harvesting Heat on the Curved Human Wrist, Applied Energy, 205: 710-719.

22.Zheng,Y.H.,Wang,Y.C.,Chen,R.K.,Deshpande,S.,Nelson,N.S.,Buchman,S.R.,Shih,A.J.,2017,Tissue transformation mold design and stereolithography fabrication, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(1): 162-168.

21. Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Han, P.D., Giovannini, M., Ehmann, K., Shih, A., 2016, Contributions in medical needle technologies- geometry, mechanics, design and manufacturing, Machining Science and Technology, 20(1): 1-43.

20. Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Mei, D.Q., Liang, G.H., Chen, Z.C., 2016, A Flexible Tactile Sensor Array based on Pressure Conductive Rubber for Contact Force Measurement and Slip Detection, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 7: 378-385.

19.Li,W.S.,Wang,Y.C.,Nteziyaremye,C.,Yamaguchi,H.,Shih,A.J.,2016, Measurement of the friction force inside the needle in biopsy, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138: 031003.

18. Liang, G.H., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2016, An analytical model for studying the structural effects and optimization of a capacitive tactile sensor array, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 26: 045007.

17. Mei, D.Q., Xue, D., Wang, Y.C., Chen, S.C., 2016, Undulate microarray fabrication on polymer film using standing surface acoustic waves and ultraviolet polymerization, Applied Physics Letters, 108: 241911-4.

16. Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2015, Study of the guidewire suturing of soft tissue using a haptic position measurement system, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137: 041004.

15. Luo, Y., Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2015, Bone Geometry on the Contact Stress in the Shoulder for Evaluation of Pressure Ulcers: Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Validation, Medical Engineering & Physics, 37: 187-194.

14. Liang, G.H., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Flexible capacitive tactile sensor array with pyramid array for three-axis force measurement. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 24: 1510-1519.

13. Liang, G.H., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2015, A modified analytical model to study the sensing performance of a flexible capacitive tactile sensor array. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25: 035017.

12. Shi, Y.G., Mei, D.Q., Yao, Z.H., Wang, Y.C., Liu, H.Y., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Nominal power density analysis of thermoelectric pins with non-constant cross sections. Energy Conversion and Management, 97: pp. 1-6.

11. 倪虹,甑永乾,汪延成,梅德庆,陈子辰,蝗虫起跳运动分析及仿生机构研究,振动与冲击,2014,33(02): 7-13.

10. Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Shih, A.J., 2014, Characterization of the nonwoven polishing wheel topography by nano-CT scanning, CIRP Annuals- Manufacturing Technology, 63: 541-544.

9. Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2014, Optimal needle design for minimal insertion force and bevel length, Medical Engineering & Physics, 36: 1093-1100.

8. Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Yu, H.W., Shih, A.J., 2014, Silicone-based tissue-mimicking phantom for needle insertion simulation. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 8: 021001-7.

7. Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y.C., Dai, Y., Chen, Z.C., 2014, Modeling and analysis of a capacitive tactile sensor array for normal force measurement, IEEE Journal of Sensors, 2014: 4095-4103.

6. Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Chen, R.K., Shih, A.J., 2013, The Needle with Lancet Point – Geometry for Needle Tip Grinding and Tissue Insertion Force, ASME Journal of Manufacture Science and Engineering, 135: 041010.

5. Chen, R.K., Wang, Y.C., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2013, The haptic position measurement of soft or compliant objects using the magnetic tracking system, Manufacturing Letters, 1: 17-20.

4. Wang, Y.C., Spangler, C., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2013, Positional Accuracy and Transmitter Orientation Sensitivity of the 3D Electromagnetic Tracking System, Measurement Science and Technology, 24: 105105.

3. Belmont B, Wang YC, Ammanath P, Wrobel J, Shih A, 2013, An apparatus to quantify anteroposterior and mediolateral shear reduction in shoe insoles, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 7: 410-419.

2. Wang YC, Tai BL, Van Loon M, Shih AJ, 2012, Grinding the Sharp Tip in Thin NiTi and Stainless Steel Wires, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 62: 53-60.

1. Wang YC, Mei DQ, Chen Z., 2011, Piezoresistive slot-cantilever type accelerometer inspired from spider’s slit sensilla. Sensor Letters, 9: 1309-1315.

Selected Peer Reviewed Conference Paper 

36. Li X, Pan HM,Wang XY,Mei DQ, Wang YC*, Phase-Modulated Pulsing Coherent Acoustic Tweezers for Dynamic Adjustable-Spaced Particle Patterning, 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU), 2023.

35. Zhang ZG,Zhang ZT,He JR,Wang YC*,A Flexible and Highly Sensitive Ultrasonic Transducer for Accurate Three-Dimensional Positioning, The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA2023), Hangzhou, China

34. Jin J, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Flexible centralized tri-axis force sensor based on capacitance and intrinsic resistance of circular bump structure, The 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 2023, Japan.

33. Pan HM, Wang YC*, Mei DQ, Acoustic tweezers using bisymmetric coherent surface acoustic waves for reconfigurable modulation of particle multimers, The 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 2023, Japan.

32. Liu HY, Wang YC*, Qian SY, Mei DQ, Polymer-Derived Sic Ceramic With Triply Period Minimal Surface Structure Fabrication Through Digital Light Processing, 2023 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.

31. Xu CY, Liu JW, Li X, Wang XY, Mei DQ, Wang YC*, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Fabrication Through Acoustic-Assisted 3D Printing Process, 2023 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.

30. Wu, Q., Wang YC,* Mei, D.Q., Liu, H.Y., Methanol Steam Reforming Reactor Based on Stacked Wave Sheets and Copper foam for Hydrogen Production, 34th World Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition, 2021.(Excellent Paper Award)

29. Xuan, L.F., Wang YC,* Mei, D.Q., Liu, H.Y., Lan, J.W., Design and Modeling of Bionic Cathode Flow Field for Proton Exchange Memberance Fuel Cell, 34th World Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition, 2021.(Excellent Paper Award)

28. Wang, S.H., Wang YC*, Mei, D.Q.,  Dai, S.Q., Development of Annular-Shaped Bernoulli Gripper for Contactless Gripping of Large-Size Silicon Wafer, IEEE 16th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS2021) , 2021, Accepted.

27. Chen, Z.J., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Jin, J., Highly Sensitive and Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on the Fabrication of Porous Graphene/Silicone Rubber Composites, IEEE 16th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS2021) , 2021, Accepted.

26. Wang, Y.C.*, Lu, Y.T., Mei, D.Q., Gen, Q., Development of Wearable Tactile Sensor Based on Galinstan Liquid Metal for Both Temperature and Contact Force Sensing, IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2020), 2020.

25. Han, C.Y., Wang, Y.C.,* Mei, D.Q., Xu, C.Y. Localized Microstructures Fabrication through Standing Surface Acoustic Wave and User-Defined Waveguides, ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA, 2019. (Best Paper Award)

24. Zhu, L.F., Wang, Y.C.*, Wu, X., Mei, D.Q., 2018,  A Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on Porous Graphene Sponge for Tiny Force Measurement, 2018 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.

23. Xue, D., Wang, Y.C.*, Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y., 2018, Development of a Multi-Step Exposure Method for Projection-Based Printing System, 2018 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.

22. Wang, Y.C., Yu, Z.K., Mei, D.Q., Xue, D., 2017, Fabrication of Micro-wavy Patterned Surfaces for Enhanced Cell Culturing, 2017 3rd CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing, USA.

21. Nteziyaremye, V., Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Shih, A., Yamaguchi, H., 2014, Surface finishing of needles for high-performance biopsy, Procedia CIRP, 14: 48-53.

20. Wang, Y.C., Xue, D., Mei, D.Q., Deng, Z.X., 2017, Patterned Microstructure Array fabrication by using a novel standing surface acoustic wave device, 2017 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), USA.

19. Wang, Y.C., Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Zhu, L.F., Chen, Z.C., 2016, A Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array with High Scanning-Speed for Distributed Contact Force Measurement, The 29th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), pp. 854-857.

18. Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Mei, D.Q., 2016, Slip Detection in Prosthetic Hand Grasping by using the Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis, 2016 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Canada.

17. Shih, A., Tai, B., Chen, R., Chen, L., Zheng, Y.H., Wang, Y.C., 2016, Video Enriched Pedagogy in Manufacturing Processes, 2016 Proc. Of the 44th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC) (Best Presentation Paper Award)

16. Xi, K.L., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Liang, G.H., Chen, Z.C., 2015, A Flexible Tactile Sensor Array based on Pressure Conductive Rubber for Three-Axis Force and Slip Detection, 2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015), Korea.

15. Liang, G.H., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Xi, K.L., Chen, Z.C., 2015 Preliminary Experimental Study on the Sensing Performance of a Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array Mounted on Curved Surfaces, 2015 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2015), Korea.

14. Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Mei, D.Q., Xin, Z.H., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Three-axis contact force measurement of a flexible tactile sensor array for hand grasping applications, 2015 International Conference on Wearable Sensors and Robots (ICWSR), China. (Best Paper Award)

13. Liu, H.Y., Wang, Y.C., Mei, D.Q., Shi, Y.G., Chen, Z.C., 2015, Design of a wearable thermoelectric generator for harvesting human body energy, 2015 International Conference on Wearable Sensors and Robots (ICWSR), China.

12. Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2014, Five-plane lancet needle tips design, grinding, and soft tissue insertion, 2014 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.

11. Wang, Y.C., Yan, B., Shih, A.J., 2014, Non-woven wheel polishing of Ti-6Al-4V and Co-Cr-Mo alloys, 2014 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.

10. Chen, R.K., Chen, L., Wang, Y.C., Shih, A.J., 2014, Additive Manufacturing of Personalized Ankle-Foot Orthosis, 2014 SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Michigan.

9. Tai, B.L., Nonoyama, F., Wang, Y.C., Shih, A.J., 2014, Enhancement of Kirschner wire for bone drilling, 2014 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Michigan.

8. Wang, Y.C., Xi, K.L., Liang, G.H., Dai, Y., Mei, D.Q., Chen, Z.C., 2014, A flexible capacitive tactile sensor array for prosthetic hand real-time contact force measurement, IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation: 937-942. (Best Paper in Automation, Best paper Finalist)

7. Wang, Y.C., Li, W.S., Han, P.D., Giovannini, M., Ehmann, K., Shih, A., 2014, Advances in medical needle technologies- geometry, mechanics, design and manufacturing, 2014 International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, Sep. 30-Oct. 2, Jeju KAL Korea. (Best Oral Session Paper Award)

6. Tai, B.L., Wang, Y.C., Shih, A.J., 2013, Cutting force in hollow needle insertion of soft tissue, 2013 ASME International manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC), Madison, Wisconsin. (Best Paper Award)

5. Wang, Y.C., Chen, R.K., Tai, B.L., Shih, A.J., 2013, A haptic position measurement system for compliant objects and an application in guidewire stitching of soft tissue, 2013, SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Madison, Wisconsin.

4. Wang, Y.C., van Loon, M., Spangler, S., Tai, B., Moore, J.Z., Xu, K., Shih, A.J., 2012, The Needle with Lancet Point – Geometry for Tip Grinding and Tissue Insertion Force, 2012 International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICoMM): 159-165.

3. Wang, Y.C., van Loon, M., Tai, B., Xu, K., Shih, A.J.,  2012, Grinding the Sharp Tip in Thin NiTi and Stainless Steel Wires for Medical Devices, 2012 International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICoMM): 152-158.

2. Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., Wang, Y.C., Dai, Y., Chen, Z.C., 2013, A micro-wires based tactile sensor for prosthesis, 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Korea.

1. Wang, Y.C., Liang, G.H., Mei, D.Q., 2016, Analytical Model to Study the Sensing Performance of Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor Array, The 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, 2016. (Best Paper Award)








2023年暑期,设计与制造I,海外教师全英文课程,主讲教师:美国马萨诸塞大学Lei Chen教授

2021年暑期,机械系统动力学,海外教师全英文课程,主讲教师:美国韦恩州立大学Chin-An Tan教授

2019年暑期,制造过程与工程,海外教师全英文课程,主讲教师:密西根大学Lei Chen

2018年暑期,制造过程与工程,海外教师全英文课程,主讲教师:密西根大学Lei Chen、Jingxuan (Jessie) Lyu

2016年暑期,制造过程与工程,海外教师全英文课程,主讲教师:弗吉尼亚理工大学的Jaime Camelio教授



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2019.1-2022.6 机械工程1801班,班主任

2018.8-2019.6 蓝田学园机械与材料工科试验班1805班,班主任

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34) 王昕悦,2023年,纤维增强型蜂窝结构的声辅助3D打印工艺研究,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设,美国约翰霍普金斯大学读研;

33) 林泽,2023年,陶瓷基催化剂载体的光固化3D打印工艺与应用研究;

32) 林甜甜,2023年,流化床制粒过程温度控制的优化设计,合作指导,新加坡国立大学读研;

31) 俞飞扬,2023年,柔性多功能触觉传感器的结构设计与测试研究;

30) 翁婉玉,2022年,基于声表面波的微粒子操控器件设计与实验研究,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设,浙大优秀毕业生,斯坦福大学读研;

29) 张志楠,2022年,压阻式脉搏柔性感知手环设计与实验研究,浙大优秀毕业生,东京大学读研;

28) 项飞鹤,2022年,单晶硅硬轴直拉生长的提拉机构设计与仿真分析,浙大优秀毕业生,本校读研;

27) 钱森煜,2022年,SiC基催化剂载体的墨水直写式3D打印工艺研究,本校读研;

26) 毛宸浩,2022年,具有光热响应特性的智能材料4D打印工艺研究,浙大优秀毕业生,本校读研;

25) 金杰,2021年,全柔性类肤触觉传感器的结构设计与实验测试,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设,浙大优秀毕业生,本校直博;

24) 邱星晔,2021年,大尺寸硅片外延生长反应室设计及热流场仿真,本校读研;

23) 王世航,2020年,基于伯努利原理的真空吸盘设计及运动仿真,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设,本校直博;

22) 陈志坚,2020年,面向智能机器人抓取的触觉感知平台设计与搭建,浙大优秀毕业生,本校读研;


20) 郜宇飞,2019年,基于微流控技术的单细胞自动化分离设备研制,合作指导,本校直博;

19) 刘佳薇,2019年,仿生翅膀的结构设计及其变焦式投影打印工艺研究,本校读硕;

18) 茹喆曦,2019年,机器人手多通道触觉信息采集系统设计及实验研究;

17) 陈力源,2019年,硅橡胶的应力腐蚀性能研究,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设,浙大优秀毕业生,合作指导;美国哈佛大学读博。

16) 许子洋,2018年,光固化三维打印系统变焦投影模块设计与构建;

15) 郭晓涛,2018年,柔性温差发电器的人体穿戴及集成实验研究;浙大优秀毕业生、机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设;美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校读硕;

14) 丁英琪,2018年,基于介电高弹体的电驱动液压软体机器人,浙大优秀毕业生,合作指导;出国读硕。

13) 杨   杰,2018年,基于表面微结构的细胞培养芯片设计;

12) 胡家劲,2018年,柔性石墨烯触觉传感器的设计与制造。

11) 邓兆兴,2017年,基于声表面波和紫外光固化的微结构制造研究,首届中国机械行业卓越工程师教育联盟“恒星杯”毕业设计大赛银奖,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设;美国加州大学洛杉矶分校读硕。

10) 陈稼宁,2017年,基于小波分析的物体抓取过程中滑移检测方法研究,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设;本校读硕。

9) 王   越,2017年,投影式生物三维打印机设计与系统构建;本校直博。

8) 阮建源,2017年,长航时多旋翼无人机系统设计,合作指导;本校读研。

7) 朱凌锋,2016年,电容式柔性触觉感知系统的设计与制造,机械工程学院十佳优秀毕设;本校直博。

6) 姚伟杰,2016年,基于导电橡胶的分布式滑觉传感阵列设计及滑移测试研究;浙大优秀毕业生,出国读硕。

5) 石   拓,2016年,上肢康复外骨骼机构与系统设计,合作指导;本校读硕。

4) 张慧超,2015年,模块化多孔腹腔镜手术机器人执行器设计研究,合作指导;浙大优秀毕业生,上海交通大学保研。

3) 王艳东,2015年,涡轮叶片激光修复机器视觉系统研究与开发,合作指导;上海交通大学保研。

2) 毛文超,2015年,假肢手触觉传感阵列及其集成检测系统研究;

1) 郑多文,2015年,电容式柔性触觉传感阵列的结构设计及扫描检测电路研究,浙江大学百篇特优毕设论文;上海交通大学直博。













12) 张展歌,柔性超声传感器的制作与应用研究,2022年国创,项目编号202210335099;良好结题






1. Student Received Awards














2. Research and Teaching Awards



2022年,《Micromachines》期刊年度Best Paper Award




2018年,制造工程师学会(Society of Manufacturing Engineers, SME)杰出青年制造工程师奖(Marcus B. Crotts Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award), SME网站链接:http://www.sme.org/2018-outstanding-young-manufacturing-engineers/







3. Service 


青年编委,View国际期刊, 2023-2024.

青年编委,Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2022-2023.



Guest Editor: Special Issue on Polymer Composites for 3D Printing II, Polymers (IF=4.967), 2022-2023.

Guest Editor: Special Section on Novel Sensing and Muilti-sensor Fusion in Robotics,International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2022, Volume 6, Issue 2.

Guest Editor: Special Issue on Polymer Composites for 3D Printing, Polymers (IF=4.967), 2021-2022.

Scientific Committee: North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NARMI) (2016 – 2017).

Organizer: Symposium on Advances in Manufacturing, Development, and Analysis of Biomedical Devices, 2021 ASME MSEC Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Organizer: Symposium on Advances in Manufacturing, Design, and Analysis of Biomedical Devices, 2020 ASME MSEC Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Organizer: Symposium on Advances in Analysis, Design, and Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices and Products, 2019 ASME MSEC Conference, Erie, PA.

Co-Organizer:Design, Modeling and Intelligent Control for Biomedical and Surgical Robotic Systems, 2017 IEEE CASE Conference.

Organizer: Advances in Analysis, Design, and Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices, 2018 ASME MSEC Conference. 

Organizer: Advances in Manufacturing Processes of Biomedical Materials and Products, 2014 ASME MSEC Conference, Michigan.

Organized Session Chair, Wearable Sensors and Signal Processing, 2015 International Conference on Wearable Sensor and Robotics, ICWSR2015, Hangzhou, China.

Organizing committee, The 12th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (ICTCA2015), China.

Organizing committee, International Conference on Biomaterials, Bio-Design and Manufacturing (BDMC2018), China.