

植晓琴 副教授|博士生导师

电话: 13567135775

邮箱: xiaoqinzhi@zju.edu.cn

地址: 玉泉校区低温楼305室




2)2009-08至2014-11, 浙江大学, 制冷及低温工程, 博士研究生毕业, 工学博士, 

3)2005-08至2009-07, 中南大学, 热能与动力工程, 全日制普通高校本科毕业, 工学学士,


1)2016-07至今, 能源工程学院, 讲师

2)2014-12-01至2016-05-30, 美国麦迪逊, 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校, 副研究员, research associate







  • 低温传热传质

  • 回热式低温制冷技术

  • 空分系统节能








共参加 4 项国家级项目,作为负责人承担 项目/课题 3 项 。


1) 深低温精馏过程强化机理研究, 重点项目, 纵向, 国家基金委, KN20161730, 100/324, 2017-01-01, 2021-12-31
2) 液氦温区斯特林型脉管制冷机回热强化机理研究, 青年科学基金项目, 纵向, 国家自然基金委, 51706196, 24/24, 2018-01, 2020-12
3) 超导直流限流器的关键技术研究, 国家科技重大专项, 纵向, 国家科技部, 2017YFB0902300, 105/1862, 2017-07, 2020-12
4) 高效节能气体制备关键技术及其应用, 国家科技重大专项, 纵向, 国家科技部, 2017YFB0603700, 100/1676, 2017-07, 2020-12



专注于液氦温区斯特林脉管制冷机和大型低温空分系统压缩余热回收的基础研究与应用工作。首次采用拉格朗日法揭示了交变流气体微团的制冷机理,提出了降低脉管热损失的自预冷型多级脉管制冷机新概念,三级斯特林型脉管制冷机获得4.26 K的最优性能,创造同等结构制冷机世界最低制冷温度记录,首次证明了三级高频脉管制冷机液氦温度制冷的可行性。该成果获国际低温领域杰出青年研究者荣誉“卡尔·林德奖”。


1.卡尔·林德奖 Carl von Linde Prize(国际制冷学会授予全球低温领域杰出青年科技工作者荣誉,每四年颁发1人次),国际制冷学会International Institute  of Refrigeration,2015.08

2.2017国际低温工程大会CEC-ICMC优秀论文奖,论文题目“Interferometric study of the mass transfer in cryogenic distillation under magnetic field”,美国低温工程与材料学会,2017.07





1) Zhi, X. Q.; Qiu, L. M.*; Pfotenhauer, J. M.; Gan, Z. H.; Yan, Y., Refrigeration mechanism of the gas parcels in pulse tube cryocoolers under different phase angles, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 2016-12, 103, , 382-389

2) Zhi, X. Q.; Han, L.; Dietrich, M.; Gan, Z. H.; Qiu, L. M.*; Thummes, G. A three-stage Stirling pulse tube cryocooler reached 4.26 K with He-4 working fluid, cryogenics, 2013-12, 58, , 93-96

3) X.Q. Zhi; J.M. Pfotenhauer*; F. Miller; V. Gershtein, Numerical study on the working performance of a G-M cryocooler with a mechanically driven displacer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017-12, 115, 611-618, 2017, 3.552

4) Kim, K.S; Zhi, X.Q*; Qiu, L.M; Nie, H.L; Wang, J.J, Numerical analysis of different valve effects on the cooling performance of a two-stage GM type pulse tube cryocooler, International journal of refrigeration, 2017-05, 77, 1-10

5)Wenjie Zhou, John M. Pfotenhauer, Xiaoqin Zhi*. Leakage effect analysis on the performance of a cylindrical adjustable inertance tube,Cryogenics,2018-04,91,136–141

6)Zhu Jiakai, Wang Shunhao, Qiu Limin, Zhi Xiaoqin*, Zhang Xiaobin*. Frequency characteristics of liquid hydrogen cavitating flow over a NACA0015 hydrofoil, Cryogenics, 2018-12, 90, 7–19.

7)Xiaokuan You, Limin Qiu, Chaoxiang Duan, Xiao Jiang, Chen Huang, Xiaoqin Zhi*, Study on the stroke amplitude of the linear compressor, Applied thermal energy, 2018, 129, 1488–1495.

8)Xiao Jiang, Limin Qiu, Chaoxiang Duan, Xiaokuan You, Xiaoqin Zhi*, An approach for estimating acoustic power in a pulse tube cryocooler,Cryogenics , 2017-04, 87, 103–109

9) Chen Huang, Qiang Cao, Xiaoqin Zhi*, Xi Xia, Limin Qiu. Effects of DC flow on pulse tube cryocooler working at liquid hydrogen and liquid nitrogen temperatures, Applied thermal energy, 2018, 137, 451–460.

10) Qiu, L. M.; Han, L.; Zhi, X. Q.; Dietrich, M.; Gan, Z.H.*; Thummes, G., Investigation on phase shifting for a 4 K Stirling pulse tube cryocooler with He-3 as working fluid, CRYOGENICS, 2015-07, 69, 44-49

11) Qiu, L. M.; Zhi, X. Q.; Gan, Z. H.; Zhang, X. B*.; Zhang, X. J., Function of gas parcels in the pulse tube, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014-02, 38, 358-366

12) Qiu, L. M.; Zhi, X. Q.; Han, L.; Cao, Q.; Gan, Z. H*, Performance improvement of multi-stage pulse tube cryocoolers with a self-precooled pulse tube, CRYOGENICS, 2012-10, 52, 575-579

13)Qiu, L. M.; Cao, Q.; Zhi, X. Q.; Gan, Z. H.*; Yu, Y. B.; Liu, Y., A three-stage Stirling pulse tube cryocooler operating below the critical point of helium-4, CRYOGENICS, 2011-10, 51, 609-612

14)Yan,Y;Ni,Z.H*;Zhi,X.Q;Yin,J.S, Numerical study on thermal performance of a BOG heat exchanger in the inclined condition, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2016-08, 34,  616-626
15)Cao, Q.; Qiu, L. M.; Zhi, X. Q.; Han, L.; Gan, Z. H.; Zhang, X. B.; Zhang, X. J.*; Sun, D. M., Impedance magnitude optimization of the regenerator in Stirling pulse tube cryocoolers working at liquid-helium temperatures, CRYOGENICS, 2013-12, 58, 38-44
16)Qiu, L. M.; Cao, Q.; Zhi, X. Q.; Han, L.; Gan, Z. H.*; Yu, Y. B.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, X. J.; Pfotenhauer, J. M., Operating characteristics of a three-stage Stirling pulse tube cryocooler operating around 5 K,cryogenics, 2012-09, 52, 382-388

17)植晓琴; 邱利民*; 甘智华; 曹强;刘暘. 可达5K以下三级斯特林脉管制冷机性能研究,工程热物理学报,2012, 33(5),735-738

18)植晓琴; 邱利民*; 甘智华; 俞益波; 曹强, 基于二维非绝热模型的脉管损失机理研究, 中南大学报, 2012-10, 43, 3672-3677



1)植晓琴,朱少龙,邱利民,孙大明,一种压差驱动的强制对流高温超导冷却装置和方法发明专利, 中国, ZL.201611264546.3, 2018.5.15

2)植晓琴,朱少龙,邱利民,孙大明,一种压差驱动的射流式高温超导冷却装置和方法, 发明专利,中国,ZL 201611259686.l, 2018.5.15

3)邱利民;植晓琴;甘智华;曹强, 带自预冷脉管的脉管制冷机, 发明专利, 中国, ZL 201110285035.0., 2013-06

4)邱利民;植晓琴;曹强;俞益波;甘智华, 一种柔性换热器, 发明专利, 中国, ZL 201010516556.8., 2012-11

5)甘智华;王龙一; 植晓琴; 尹成厚; 王建军; 金泽远, 间接测量线性压缩机电机比推力和机械阻尼系数的方法, 发明专利, 中国, 201510223274 .1, 2017-04

6)甘智华;王龙一;植晓琴;王建军;陶轩;尹成厚;孙潇;王邦旭, 一种可达卡诺效率的多级级联型脉管制冷机及制冷方法, 发明专利, 中国, 201510070312.4, 2017-01