

成少安 长江学者特聘教授|博士生导师

电话: 0571 87952038

邮箱: shaoancheng@zju.edu.cn

地址: 浙江大学玉泉校区热能所321




承担国家自然科学基金、“863”科技计划、重点研发计划和KAUST国际重大研究规划等项目20余项。在PNAS、 Environ. Sci. Technol等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文150余篇,论文他引8000余次,其中13篇论文为环境与生态学科ESI高被引论文。 合作出版英文专著2部,获美国发明专利4项,中国发明专利30项。


  1. 微生物电化学能源新体系;

  2. 氢能;

  3. 废水能源化和资源化利用;

  4. CO2转化与利用;

  5. 生物、光、电化学能源转化与废水处理系统









  1. 《燃料电池理论》 本科生课程 

  2. 《现代生物质能》 全英文研究生课程

  3. 《能源材料科学》 研究生课程




  • 国家自然科学基金 《面向紧凑式高性能微生物燃料电池的耐氧生物阳极构建与调控》,2015.1-2018.12

  • 国家自然科学基金 《微生物电催化还原二氧化碳产甲烷的机制解析》,2011.1-2013.12

  • 国家科技计划课题“863”《微生物燃料电池产电与污水净化耦合关键技术》2011-2015

  • 国家科技计划课题“863”《生物制氢关键技术研究与示范》2012-2014

  • 国家自然科学基金 《微生物层面上微生物-电极界面过程的机制研究》2013.1-2016.12

  • 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金《微生物光电化学还原二氧化碳》, 2012-2014

  • 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目《 生物质能微生物电催化转化得机制研究》,2011.1-2013.12

  • 浙江省科技计划项目 《可持续废水处理得微生物燃料电池关键技术研究》,2010.10-2011.9

  • 光电协同催化降解废水有机污染物的研究    国家自然科学基金 (1999-2002)

  • 用于镍氢电池贮氢合金的表面处理    浙江省自然科学基金 (1997-1999)




1.用于废水处理的新型微生物燃料电池研究  美国国家自然科学基金项目 (2007-2009)

2.提高微生物燃料电池功率的研究   美国国家自然科学基金项目 (2004-2007)

3.利用微生物燃料电池直接从废水中产生电能的可行性研究  美国国家自然科学基金项目 (2003-2004)

4. Ni-MH电池的关键技术研究  国家“863”计划  (1996-1998)

5.材料的环境行为与失效机理  国家973计划(2000-2002)

6.生物产氢与微生物燃料电池连用获取生物质能   美国农业部项目(2003-2006)

7.电化学协助已酸生物发酵   美国国家再生能源研究所项目  (2007-2008)

8.用于电化学协助生物产氢反应器的系统材料的开发和评价   Air Products & Chemicals, Inc  (2007-2008)

9.提高电化学辅助生物产氢效率的研究  Air Products & Chemicals, Inc  (2006-2007)

10.水环境工程---绿色氧化技术     香港杰出领域基金 (2001-2004)

11.燃料电池中的混合金属纳米颗粒特征   香港研究基金委员会 (2001-2002)

12.用于锂离子二次电池高比容量导电高分子的合成与评价  西班牙巴斯克科学基金 (1998-2001)


1.  Huang,   HB, Cheng,   SA*,Yang,   JW, Li,   CC, Sun,   Y,Cen,   KF, Effect of   nitrate on electricity generation in single-chamber air cathode microbial   fuel cells, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018 337:661-670.

2.   Liu,   WF, Cheng,   SA*, Yin,   L, Sun,   Y, Yu,   LL, Influence of   soluble microbial products on the long-term stability of air cathodes in   microbial fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 261:557-564.

3.  Ding,   WJ,  Cheng,   SA*, Yu,   LL, Huang,   HB, Effective   swine wastewater treatment by combining microbial fuel cells with   flocculation, Chemosphere, 2017,182:567-573.

4.  Sun,   D, Cheng,   SA* , Zhang,   F, Logan,   BE, Current   density reversibly alters metabolic spatial structure of exoelectrogenic   anode biofilms, Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 365:566-571

5.   Cheng,   SA* , Liu,   WF ; Sun,   D ,  Huang,   HB , Enhanced power   production of microbial fuel cells by reducing the oxygen and nitrogen   functional groups of carbon cloth anode, Surface and Interface Analysis,   2017, 49(5):410-418

6.  Yang  Jiawei , Cheng Shaoan*, Sun yi, Li Chaochao, Improving the power   generation of microbial fuel cells by modifying the anode with single-wall   carbon nanohorns, Biotechnology Letters, 2017, 39:1515-1520

7.  丁为俊,于立亮,陈杰,成少安*,阳极材料对6L微生物燃电池性能及有机废水处理,效果的影响,《 环境科学》,2017,38(5):1911-1917

8.  丁为俊, 刘鹏,刘伟凤, 陈杰, 朱杭, 黄浩斌, 成少安* 循环伏安扫描对微生物燃料电池启动和产电性能的影响,《化工学报》 ,68(2017) : 1205-12109.   

9.  Liu, Weifeng; Zhou, Yonggang; Cheng, Shaoan*, Xu, MY,Li, FJ , Microwave Preparation of Catalyst Layer for Enhancing the Oxygen Reduction of Air Cathode in Microbial Fuel Cells,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE    2017,12( 3): 2207-2218 

10. Sun, D, Cheng, SA* ,Zhang, F,Logan, BE ,Current density reversibly alters metabolic spatial structure of exoelectrogenic anode biofilms ,JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2017,356 : 566-571

11. Li, FJ, Liu, WF, Sun, Y, Ding, WJ, Cheng, SA* ,Enhancing hydrogen production with Ni-P coated nickel foam as cathode catalyst in single chamber microbial electrolysis cells,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017,42(6):3641-3646

12. Weifeng Liu, Shaoan Cheng∗, Jian Guo, Anode modification with formic acid: A simple and effective method to improve the power generation of microbial fuel cells, Applied Surface Science, 320 (2014) 281–286

13. Dan Sun, Jie Chen, Haobin Huang, Weifeng Liu, Yaoli Ye, Shaoan Cheng* , The effect of biofilm thickness on electrochemical activity of Geobacter sulfurreducens, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(2016)16523-16528

14. Shaoan Cheng*, Weifeng Liu, Dan Sun, Haobin Huang, Enhanced power production of microbial fuel cells by reducing the oxygen and nitrogen functional groups of carbon cloth anode, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2017,49(5):410-418

15. Liu, WF  Cheng, SA*  Sun, D  Huang, HB  Chen, J  Cen, KF  Inhibition of microbial growth on air cathodes of single chamber  microbial fuel cells by incorporating enrofloxacin into the catalyst  layer, Biosensors and Bioelectronics,72(2015)44-50.

16. Chen, QY  Fu, R  Fang, XW  Cai, WF  Wang, YH  Cheng, SA *, Cr-methanol fuel cell for efficient Cr(VI) removal and high power  production, APPL Energy, 138(2015)31-35

17. Sun, D  Cheng, SA*  Wang, AJ  Li, FJ  Logan, BE  Cen, KF Temporal-Spatial Changes in Viabilities and Electrochemical Properties  of Anode Biofilms Environ.Sci.Technol, 49(2015)5227-5235

18. Shaoan Cheng*, Weifeng Liu, Jian Guo, Dan Sun, Bin Pan, Yaoli Ye, Weijun Ding, Haobin Huang, Fujian Li Effects of hydraulic pressure on the performance of single chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cells,Biosensors and Bioelectronics 56(2014)265-270

19. Tae-Jin Park,Weijun Ding, Shaoan Cheng*,Manreetpal Singh Brar,Angel Po Yee Ma,Hein Min Tun,Frederick C Leung*,Microbial community in microbial fuel cell (MFC) medium and effluent enriched with purple photosynthetic bacterium (Rhodopseudomonas sp.),AMB Express,4(2014) (DOI:10.1186/s13568-014-0022-2)(SCI)

20. Weifeng Liu, Shaoan Cheng, microbial fuel cells production from wastewater: the way toward practical application, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 15(2014)841-861

21. 李超超, 方星亮, 陈杰, 羊家威, 成少安*, 金属氧化物与微生物相互作用及其在能源环境领域的应用, 《化工学报 》 66 (2015): 861-871

22. 叶遥立, 郭剑, 潘彬, 成少安*,阳极双电层电容对微生物燃料电池性能的影响, 《化工学报》,  66 (2015): 773-778(Ei收录)

23. 潘彬、孙丹、刘伟凤、叶遥立、郭剑、成少安,“碳纤维阳极构造对微生物燃料电池性能的影响”, 《化工学报》 ,65(2014)3250-3254(Ei收录)

24. 潘彬、孙丹、叶遥立、郭剑、黄鹤、成少安,“微生物燃料电池阴极长期运行的性能分析”, 《化工学报》,65(2014)3694-3699 (Ei收录)

25. 陈杰,李超超,方星亮,羊家威,成少安*,“微生物燃料电池空气阴极和扩大化的研究进展”《现代化工》, 34(2014)16-21

26. Shaoan Cheng*, Yaoli Ye, Weijun Ding, Bin Pan,“Enhancing power generation of scale-up microbial fuel cells byoptimizing the leading-out terminal of anode”,Journal of Power Sources 248 (2014) 931-938, (SCI,IF4.95)

27. Wei-feng LIU and Shao-an CHENG. Performance improvement of MFCs by treatment of carbon cloth anode with Ultrasonic or spent anolyte, Advanced Materials Research, 815 (2013) 409-414. (EI收录)

28. Shaoan Cheng , Jiancheng Wu, Air-cathode preparation with activated carbon as catalyst, PTFE as binder and nickel foam as current collector for microbial fuel cells, Bioelectrochemistry,  92 (2013) 22–26

29. Chapter 14, Wastewater treatment with concomitant bioenergy production using microbial fuel cells,  in 《Advance in water treatment and pollution prevention》, 英文书章节,2012年10月,Springer Science.

30. Cheng Shao-An , Wang Bai-Shi , Wang Yun-Hai, Increasing efficiencies of microbial fuel cells for collaborative treatment of copper and organic wastewater by designing reactor and selecting operating parameters,Bioresource Technology 147 (2013) 332–337

31. 刘伟凤,陈倩,刘云堃,李宁璨,童航君,张培林,成少安*,基于微生物燃料电池的污泥热值检测系统,中国环境科学,34(2014)1491-1497(Ei)。

32. 吴健成 潘彬 叶遥立 郭剑 成少安, 泡沫镍空气阴极微生物燃料电池的产电特性,《能源工程》 2013(2):31-35。

33. 郭剑,潘彬,叶遥立,成少安*,活性炭空气阴极微生物燃料电池的放大和串并联组合研究,现代化工,2013, 33(10)99-103.

34. S.A. Cheng and B.E. Logan.2011. Increasing power generation for scaling up single-chamber air cathode microbial fuel cells. Biores. Technol. 102(6): 4468-4473

35. Cheng, D. Xing, and B.E. Logan. 2011. Electricity generation of single-chamber microbial fuel cells at low temperature. Biosen. Bioelectron. 26(5): 1913–1917.

36. S.A.Cheng, J.-H. Jang, B.A. Dempsey, and B.E. Logan. 2011. Efficient recovery of nano-sized iron oxide particles from synthetic acid-mine drainage (AMD) water using fuel cell technologies. Wat. Res. 45(1):303-307.

37. Cheng, and B.E. Logan. 2011. High hydrogen production rate of microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) with reduced electrode spacing. Biores. Technol. 102(4): 3571–3574.

38. Cheng, P. Kiely, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Pre-acclimation of a wastewater inoculum to cellulose in an aqueous-cathode MFC improves power generation in air-cathode MFCs. Biores. Technol. 102(1):367-371

39. Zhang, F., M.D. Merrill, J.C. Tokash, T. Saito, S.A. Cheng, M.A. Hickner, and B.E. Logan. 2011. Mesh optimization for microbial fuel cell cathodes constructed around stainless steel mesh current collectors”. J. Power Sources. 196(3):1097–1102.

40. Cheng, Kwong-Yu Chan, 2010, High-Voltage Dual Electrolyte Electrochemical Power Sources  ECS Trans. 25 (35), 213

41. L.P. Huang*, Xiaolei Chaib, S.A Cheng,∗, Guohua Chen, 2011. Evaluation of carbon-based materials in tubular biocathode microbial fuel cells in terms of hexavalent chromium reduction and electricity generation, Chem. Eng. J., 166:652-661

42. L.P. Huang,S.A.Cheng,2010. Biomass energy utilization in microbial fuel cells: potentials and challenges, Chin J Biotech, 26(7): 1–8

43. L.P Huang, S.A Cheng, G. H Chen, 2011. Bioelectrochemical systems for efficient recalcitrant wastes treatment, J Chem Technol Biotechnol. 86: 481–491

44. Liu, W., A. Wang, S. Cheng, B.E. Logan, H. Yu, Y. Deng, J.D. Van Nostrand, L. Wu, Z. He, and J. Zhou. 2010. Geochip-based functional gene analysis of anodophilic communities in microbial electrolysis cells under different operational models. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44(19):7729-7735

45. Zhang, X, S. Cheng, P. Liang, X. Huang, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Scalable air cathode microbial fuel cells using glass fiber separators, plastic mesh supporters, and graphite fiber brush anodes. Biores. Technol. 102(1):372-375.

46. Zhang, F. T. Saito, S.A. Cheng, M.A. Hickner, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Microbial fuel cells cathodes constructed from stainless steel mesh that use poly(dimethylsiloxane) diffusion layers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44(4):1490-1495.

47. Zhang, X., S.A. Cheng, X. Huang and B.E. Logan. 2010. Improved performance of single-chamber microbial fuel cells through control of membrane deformation. Biosen. Bioelectron. 25(7):1553-1858.

48. Zhang, X., S.A. Cheng, X. Huang, and B.E. Logan. 2010. The use of nylon and glass fiber filter separators with different pore sizes in air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cells. Energy Environ. Sci. 3(5):659-664.

49. Xing, D.,Cheng, J.M. Regan, and B.E. Logan. 2010. Isolation of the exoelectrogenic denitrifying bacterium Comamonas denitrificans based on dilution-to-extinction of the microbial community. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 85(5)1575-1587.

50. Ting S.W., S.A. Cheng, K.Y. Tsang, N.V.Der Laak, and K.Y.Chan,2009. Low activation energy dehydrogenation of aqueous formic acid on platinum–ruthenium–bismuth oxide at near ambient temperature and pressure. Chem. Commun.,  7333 - 7335

51. Zhang, F., S.A Cheng , D. Pant, G. Van Bogaert, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Power generation using an activated carbon and metal mesh cathode in a microbial fuel cell. Electrochem. Commun. 11(11):2177-2179.

52. Zhang, X., S. A. Cheng, X. Wang, X. Huang, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Separator characteristics for increasing performance of microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(21):8456-8461.

53. Cheng , D.F. Xing, D. Call and B.E. Logan. 2009. Direct biological conversion of electrons into methane by electromethanogenesis, Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(10):3953-3958.

54. Wang, X., S.A. Cheng, Y. Feng, M.D. Merrill, T. Saito, and B.E. Logan. 2009. The use of carbon mesh anodes and the effect of different pretreatment methods on power production in microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(17):6870-6874.

55. Xing, D., S.A. Cheng, J.M. Regan and B.E. Logan. 2009. Change in microbial communities in acetate- and glucose-fed microbial fuel cells in the presence of light. Biosens Bioelec. 25(1):105-111.

56. Yu, E.H., S. A. Cheng, K. Scott, R. Chetty, B.E. Logan. 2009. Electrochemical reduction of oxygen with iron phthalocyanine in neutral media. J. Appl. Electrochem. 39(6):705–711.

57. Huang, L., S. A. Cheng, F. Rezaei, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Reducing organic loads in industrial effluents using microbial fuel cells. Environ. Technol. 30(5):499-504.

58. Wang, A., W. Liu, S. A. Cheng, D. Xing, J. Zhou, and B.E. Logan. 2009. Source of methane and methods to control its formation in single chamber microbial electrolysis cells. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 34(9):3653-3658.

59. D.F. Xing, S.A. Cheng, B. E. Logan, John M. Regan, The character of the anode surface affects microbial community structure and power generation in single-chamber air-cathode MFCs, submitted to Environ. Microbiol.

60. Logan, B.E., D. Call, S.A. Cheng R.A. Rozendal, H.V.M. Hamelers, , T.H.J.A. Sleutels, A.W. Jeremiasse. 2008 . Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) for high yield hydrogen gas production from organic matter. Environ. Sci. Technol.. 42(23):8630-8640

61. Cheng and B. E. Logan. 2008. Evaluation of catalysts and membranes for high yield biohydrogen production via electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). Water Sci. Technol. 58(4):853-857. 

62. Y.Zuo, Cheng and B.E. Logan. 2008. Ion Exchange Membrane Cathodes for Scalable Microbial Fuel Cells, Environ. Sci. Technol.42(18):6967-6972

63. H.Liu, Cheng, L.P. Huang and B.E. Logan. 2008. Scale-up of Membrane-free Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells. J. Power Sources. 179,274-279.

64. D.F. Xing, Y.Zuo, S.A. Cheng, J.M. Regan and B.E. Logan. 2008. Electricity generation by Rhodopseudomonas palustris DX-1, Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(11):4146-4151.

65. Cheng , B.E. Logan. 2007. Sustainable and efficient biohydrogen production via electrohydrogenesis, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104 (47):18871-18873.

66. Cheng, B.A. Dempsey and B.E. Logan. 2007. Electricity generation from synthetic acid-mine drainage (AMD) water using fuel cell technologies, Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(23):8149-8153

67. E.H. Yu, S.A. Cheng, K. Scott and B.E. Logan. 2007. Microbial fuel cell performance with non-Pt cathode catalysts. J. Power Sources, 171(2):275-281.

68. J.R.Kim, S.A. Cheng, S.E. Oh and B.E. Logan. 2007. Power generation using different cation, anion and ultrafiltration membranes in microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(3):1004-1009. "Hot Paper" as defined by Thomson Scientific (ISI) Essential Science Indicators http://pubs.acs.org/journals/esthag/promo/most/hot_papers/sept07.html.

69. B.E.Logan,  S.A. Cheng, V. Watson and G. Estadt. 2007. Graphite fiber brush anodes for increased power production in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol., 41(9):3341-3346. 

70. Y. Zuo, S.A. Cheng, D. Call and B.E. Logan. 2007. Tubular membrane cathodes for scalable power generation in microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(9):3347-3353.

71. S.A. Cheng and B.E. Logan. 2007. Ammonia treatment of carbon cloth anodes to enhance power generation of microbial fuel cells. Electrochem. Comm. 9, 492-496.

72. Cheng, H. Liu and B.E. Logan. 2006. Increased power and coulombic efficiency of single-chamber microbial fuel cells through an improved cathode structure. Electrochem. Comm. 8:489-494.

73. Cheng, H. Liu and B.E. Logan. 2006. Power Densities Using Different Cathode Catalysts (Pt and CoTMPP) and Polymer Binders (Nafion and PTFE) in Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(1):364-369. [“Hot paper” in Chemistry, defined as one of 200 papers receiving the most citations in a 2 month period; 2-22-07]

74. Cheng, H. Liu and B.E. Logan. 2006. Increased power generation in a continuous flow MFC due to advective flow through the anode and reduced electrode spacing. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(7):2426-2432.

75. Y.H. Wang, S.A. Cheng and K.Y. Chan. 2006. Synthesis of ozone from air via a polymer-electrolyte-membrane cell with a doped tin oxide anode. Green Chem. 8:568-572.

76. Y.H. Wang, S.A. Cheng, K.Y. Chan and X.Y. Li. 2005. Electrolytic generation of ozone on Antimony and Nickel doped Tin oxide surface in acid media. J. Electrochem. Soc. 152(11):D197-200.

77. H. Liu,Cheng and B.E. Logan. 2005. Power generation in fed-batch microbial fuel cells as a function of ionic strength, temperature, and reactor configuration. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:5488-5493.

78. B. Min, S.A. Cheng and B.E. Logan. 2005. Electricity generation using membrane and salt bridge microbial fuel cells. Water Research. 39:1675-1686.

79. H. Liu,Cheng and B.E. Logan. 2005. Production of electricity from acetate or butyrate in a single chamber microbial fuel cell. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:658-662.

80. Cheng and K.Y. Chan. 2004. Electrolytic generation of ozone on an antimony doped tin dioxide coated electrode, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 7: D4-D6.

81. J. Liu, H.T. Wang, S.A. Cheng and  K.Y. Chan. 2005. Nafion-polyfurfuryl alcohol nanocomposite membranes for direct methanol fuel cells, J. Membrane Science. 246(1): 95-101

82. J. Liu, H.T. Wang, S.A. Cheng and K.Y. Chan. 2004. Naflon-polyfurfuryl alcohol nanocomposite membranes with low methanol permeation. Chem. Commun. 728-729.

83. K.Y. Chan, J. Ding, J.. Ren,Cheng and K.Y. Tsang. 2004. Supported mixed metal nanoparticles as electrocatalysts in low temperature fuel cells. J. MATER. CHEM. 14:505-516.

84. Cheng, W.K. Fung and K.Y. Chan and P.K. Shen. 2003. Optimizing electron spin resonce detection of hydroxyl radical in water, Chemosphere, 52:1797-1805

85. T.F. Otero, S.A. Cheng, C. Eugenio, F. E. Martinez and G.G. Carlos J. 2002. Functional hybrid materials containing polypyrrole and polyoxometalate clusters: searching for high conductivities and specific charges. ChemPhysChem.  3(9):808-811

86. Cheng, T.F. Otero, C. Eugenio, G.G. Carlos J, M.F. Eugenia and G.S. Carlos. 2002. Hybrid Material Polypyrrole/[SiCr(H2O)W11O39]5-: Electrogeneration, Properties, and Stability under Cycling. Journal of Physical Chemistry B  106(31):7585-7591

87. Cheng and T. F. Otero. 2002. Electrogeneration and electrochemical properties of hybrid materials: polypyrrole doped with polyoxometalates PW12-xMoxO403- (x=0,3,6,12). Synthetic Metals, 129(1): 53-59.

88. Cheng and T.F. Otero. 2001. Electrochemical synthesis and physical characterization of a compact hybrid film polypyrrole/PW12O403-. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 20(11): 1055-1057.

89. Cheng, W. Leng, J.Q. Zhang, C.N. Cao. 2001. Electrochemical properties of the pasted nickel electrode using surface modified Ni(OH)2 powder as active material. Journal of Power Sources, 101(2):248-252.

90. Cheng and T.F. Otero. 2000. Hybrid materials polypyrrole-heteropolytungstate electrosynthesis of electrodes for secondary batteries. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, 39(3):374-376.

91. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, M.H. Zhao and C.N. Cao.1999. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of Ni/MH batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 293-295:814-820.

92. Cheng, A.B. Yuan, H. Liu, J.Q. Zhang and C.N. Cao. 1998. Effects of barium and cobalt on electrochemical performance of nickel hydroxide with chemically co-precipitated zinc. Journal of Power Sources, 76(2):215-217.

93. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, H. Liu, Y.J. Leng, A.B. Yuan and C.N. Cao. 1998. Study of early cycling deterioration of a Ni/MH battery by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Power Sources, 74(1):155-157.

94.Cheng, Y.Q. Lei, Y.J. Leng and Q.D Wang. 1998. Electrochemical performance of metal hydride negative electrode modified with bismuth oxide. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 264(1-2):104-106.

95. Cheng, Z.Z. Li, J.Q. Zhang and C.N. Cao. 1998. Corrosion behaviors of the epsilon phase/complex oxide double-layer on mild steel. Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 76(3):94-95.

96. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, A.B. Yuan, W.C. Ding and C.N. Cao. 1999. Effects of separator on discharge capacity and cycle life of Ni-MH battery. Dianyuan Jishu, 23(1):10-12.

97. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, H. Liu, Y.J. Leng, A.B. Yuan and C.N. Cao. 1999. Study on cycling deterioration of Ni-MH battery by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Dianyuan Jishu, 23:62-63.

98. Cheng, A.B. Yuan, J.Q. Zhang and C.N. Cao. 1998. The effects of Ba and Co on electrochemical performance of nickel electrode. Dianchi, 28(5):205-207.

99. Cheng, Y.Q. Lei, H. Liu and Q.D. Wang, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 1997. Effect of Br- on electrochemical performance of the hydrogen storage alloy MlNi3.45(CoMnTi)1.55 electrode, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 27:1307-1309.

100. Cheng, Y.J. Leng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N. Cao. 1997.  Study on Electrochemical performance of the hydrogen storage alloy electrode in the electrolyte with potassium bromide. Journal of Zhejiang University, Dec, 95-99

101. Cheng, H. Liu, J.Q. Zhang and C.N. Cao. 1997. Relationship between Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and properies of NI/MH batteries, Journal of Zhejiang University,  Dec, 92-94

102. Cheng, Z.Z Li and T. Yao. 1993. Mechanisms and characteristics of electroless deposited double-layer as sacrifical anode, J. Zhejiang University, 27:488-497

103. Cheng and Z.Z. Li. 1993. The corrosion resistance of the double-layer deposit of electroless nickel-phosphorus and electroless nickel-tungsten-phosphorus, Chinese Journal of Corrosion & Protection, 14:123

104. T.F. Otero, S.A. Cheng and F. Huerta. 2000. Hybrid Materials Polypyrrole/PW12O403-. 1. Electrochemical Synthesis, Kinetics and Specific Charges. Journal of Physical Chemistry B  104(45): 10522-10527.

105. T.F. Otero, S.A. Cheng D. Alonso and F. Huerta. 2000. Hybrid Materials Polypyrrole/PW12O403-. 2. Physical, Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104(45):10528-10533.

106. H. Liu,Cheng, M. Wu, H. Wu, J.Q. Zhang, W.Z. Li and C.N. Cao. 2000. Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Sulfosalicylic Acid and Its Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Investigation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 104(30):7016-7020.

107. H. Liu,Cheng*, J.Q. Zhang, C.N. Cao and W.C. Jiang. 1997. The gas-photocatalytic degradation of trichloroethylene without water. Chemosphere, 35(12):2881-2889.

108. Y.J. Leng, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, C.N. Cao and C.S. Wang. 1997. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of metal hydride electrode and its mathematical model. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinca, 13(10): 890-897.

109. T.F. Otero andCheng. 1999. Electrosynthesis at different potentials and properties of polypyrrole doped with heteropolytungstate. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 17(2/3):121-125.

110. A.B. Yuan,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 1999. Effects of metallic cobalt addition on the performance of pasted nickel electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 77(2):178-182.

111. A.B. Yuan,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 1999. Effect of Ca compounds on Ni electrodes. Gongneng Cailiao, 30(3):276-278.

112. H. Liu,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, C.N Cao and S.K. Zhang. 1998., Shukong Zhang. Titanium dioxide as photocatalyst on porous nickel: adsorption and the photocatalytic degradation of sulfosalicylic acid. Chemosphere, 38(2):283-292.

113. W.H. Leng, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2001. Combination degradation of aniline via photoelectrocatalysis and photogenerating hydrogen peroxide. Acta Scientiae Circumstanaiae, 21(5):625-627.

114. A.B. Yuan,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 1998. The influence of calcium compounds on the behavior of the nickel electrode. Journal of Power Sources, 76(1):36-40.

115. A.B. Yuan,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 1998. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of porous nickel electrode and its mathematical model. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinca, 14(9):804-810.

116. H. Liu,Cheng, Q.Q. Wang, J.Q. Zhang and W.C. Jiang. 1998. Mechanism of semiconductor photocatalytic degradation of gaseous trichloroethylene without water. Environmental Science, 19(2):62-65, 70.

117. H. Liu,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang, C.N Cao and W.C. Jiang. 1998. Study on the semiconductor photocatalytic degradation of gaseous trichloroethylene without water.Environmental Science, 18(2):144-147.

118. H. Liu,Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 1998. The photocatalytic of sulfosalicylic acid using TiO2 supported on porous nickel, China Environmental Science, 18:548-551

119. W.H. Leng, Z. Zhang, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2002. Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of aniline - comparison with double compartment photoreactor. Acta Scientiae Circumstanaiae, 22(1):40-44

120. J.Q. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J.M. Wang, ,Cheng and C.N Cao. 2002. Analysis and application of electrochemical noise technology. II. Application of electrochemical noise. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, 22(4):241-248

121. W.H. Leng, Z. Zhang, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2001. Study of titanium oxide film electrodes prepared by direct thermal oxidation. I. Preparation, structure and electrochemical properties. Chinese journal of Chemical Physics, 14(6):705-710.

122. G.M. Zhu, Y.Q. Lei,Cheng, X.G. Yang and Q.Q. 2001 Wang. AC impedance of RE(NiCoMnTi)5 alloy under different depth of discharge. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinca, 17(12):1086-1091.

123. J.Q. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J.M. Wang, ,Cheng and C.N Cao. 2001. Analysis and application of electrochemical noise. I. Theory of electrochemical noise analysis. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, 21(5):310-320.

124. W.H. Leng, Z. Zhang, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2001. Effect of applied potential on the photocatalytic degradation of aniline. Acta Scientiae Circumstanaiae, 21(6):710-714.

125. W.H. Leng, Z. Zhang, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2001. Estimation of photoelectrocatalytic activity of titanium oxide film electrodes by ac impedance. Chinese Chemical Letters, 12(11):1019-1022.

126. W.H. Leng, S.P Tong, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2001. Photocatalytic decomposition of p-chloroaniline in water over immobilized TiO2. Chemical Journal on Internet. (2001), 3(2).

127. A. Vazquez, M. T. Cortes, S.A. Cheng, I. Boyano and T.F. Otero. 2001. Controlled release of cations from conducting composite films of polypyrrole/ polystyrenesulfonate (PPy/PSS). Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 19(3/4):279-287

128. T.F. Otero, S. Villanueva, M. T. Cortes, S.A. Cheng, A. Vazquez,; I. Boyano, D. Alonso and R Camargo. 2001. Electrochemistry and conducting polymers: soft, wet, multifunctional and biomimetic materials. Synthetic Metals, 119(1-3):419-420.

129. W.H. Leng, H. Liu, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2000. Kinetics of photocatalytic degradation of aniline in water over TiO2 supported on porous nickel, J.Photochem.Photobiology A chem. 131:125-132.

130. W.H. Leng, L. Zhang, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2000. Photocatalytic degradation of p-chloroaniline in water on immobilized TiO2. Environmental Science, 21(6):46-50.

131. W.H. Leng, S.P. Tong, S.A. Cheng, J.Q. Zhang and C.N Cao. 2000. Mechanisms of photoelectrocatalytic degradation of aniline on immobilized TiO2. Acta Scientiae Circumstanaiae, 20(6):781-784.

132. S.X Wang, W.W Lin, H.D. Duan, S.A. Cheng and J.Q. Zhang. 2000. The effect of coupling agents on the anti-corrosion properties of acrylic latex coatings. Materials Performance, 39(9):42-46.

133. T.F. Otero, F.J. Huerta, S.A. Cheng, D. Alonso and S. Villanueva. 2000. Modulation of EAP properties through the variables of synthesis. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3987:148-158.

134. H. Liu, W.H Leng, H.J. Wu, S.A. Cheng, M. Wu, J.Q. Zhang, W.Z. Li and C.N. Cao. 2000. Study of photoelectrocatalytic degradation of sulfosalicylic acid. Cuihua Xuebao, 21(3): 209-212.

135. A.B. Yuan, J.Q. Zhang, S.A. Cheng and C.N Cao. 2000. Effects of cobalt and cobalt compounds on discharge capacity and cycle life of nickel electrodes. Chinese Journal of Power Sources, 24(2), 74-76, 86.

136. H.G Pan, J.X. Ma, C.S. Wang, S.A. Cheng, X.H. Wang, C.P. Chen and Q.D. Wang. 1999. Studies on the electrochemical properties of MlNi4.3-xCoxAl0.7 hydride alloy electrodes. J. Alloys Compd., 293-295:648-652

137. A.B. Yuan, J.Q. Zhang, W.C. Ding, S.A. Cheng and C.N Cao. 1999. Effects of metallic cobalt addition on the performance of pasted nickel electrodes. Journal of Power Sources, 5(3):281-287.

138. S.X Wang, W.W Lin, H.D. Duan, J.Q. Zhang andCheng. 1998. EIS study of corrosion prevention performance of acrylic latex coatings modified by silane coupling agent. Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, 18(1):62-66.

139. Y.J. Leng, J.Q. Zhang, S.A. Cheng and C.N Cao. 1998. Preparation and theoretical analysis of spherical nickel hydroxide with high tapping density. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 56(6): 557-563.

140. Y.J. Leng, J.Q. Zhang, S.A. Cheng, C.N Cao and Z.S. Ye. 1998. A mathematical model for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of metal hydride electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, 43(12-13):1945-1949.

141. Y. Zhou, Y.Q. Lei, Y.C. Luo, S.A. Cheng, Q.D Wang and Y.C. Zhang. 1996. Activation of hydrogen-storage electrode alloy Ml(Ni,Co,Mn,Ti)5 produced by gas atomization. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 32(8):857-861.

142. Cheng and Z.Z. Li. 1995. Corrosion characteristics of the e- phase-complex oxide double layer. Heat treatment of metal materials, (12): 8-10.

143. J.C. Sun,Cheng, Y.Q. Lei and Q.D Wang. 1994. Activation characteristics of microencapsulated M1 (NiCoMnTi)5 alloy electrode. Non-metallic Materials and Engineering, 23(4):37-41.


  1. Liping Huang, Shaoan Cheng, Daniel J. Hassett, Tingyue Gu, Chapter 14, Wastewater treatment with concomitant bioenergy production using microbial fuel cells,  in 《Advance in water treatment and pollution prevention》, 英文书章节,2012年10月,Springer Science,

  2. Shaoan Cheng, Weifeng Liu, Chapter 2,Microbial Fuel Cells and Other BioElectrochemical Conversion Devices, in 《Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability》,2014, CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group


  1. Li FJ, Cheng SA, Enhancing hydrogen production with Ni-P coated nickel foam as cathode catalyst in single chamber micriobial electrolysis cells, International conference on hydrogen production ICH2P 2016, May 8-11, 2016, Hangzhou, China

  2. Cheng SA, Study on the voltage recovery process in the fed-batch MFC, Internation symposium on microbial electrochemistry and its application in Bio/mimetic energy conversion (ISMEEC) 2014, April 11-13, 2014, Beijing, China

  3. Cheng SA, The voltage recovery process and electrode polarity switch in the fed –batch MFC, The 2nd Asia pacific-international society of microbial electrochemistry and technology (AP-ISMET) meeting, July 21-23, 2014, Singapore.

  4. Cheng SA, Wastewater treatment and Bioenergy recovery using bioelectrochemical system, 3rd biotechnology world congress, February 10-12, 2014, Dubai, U.A.E

  5. S.A.Cheng, 2010, Sustainable wastewater treatment using bio-electrochemical system, 1st International Conference on Environmental Technology and Environmental Standard, (Invited Keynote),  Hangzhou, China,May 22-25

  6. Shaoan Cheng, Electrode consideration for scale-up microbial electrochemical system, First Asia-Pacific International Society for Microbial electrochemistry and technology meeting, January 13-15,2013, Harbin, China

  7. S.A. Cheng,“Bioenergy from Waste Biomass through the Bio-electrochemical System”,

  8. EITA-New Agriculture 2013 is “Precision Agriculture: Challenges and Future Directions”,june 26-27,2013, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A

  9. Cheng, SA., Ding, WJ., Guo J., Ye,YL and Liu WF. Scale-up Microbial Fuel Cell: Key Factors and Challenges,  4TH INTERNATIONALMICROBIAL FUEL CELL CONFERENCE,1-4 SEPTEMBER 2013, CAIRNS, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA,

  10. Cheng SA., Liu WF., Ding WJ., Huang HB., Li FJ., Wastewater treatment and bioenergy recovery using bioelectrochemical system,  International Conference on Bio/Mimetic Solar Energy Conversion, Nov. 22-24,  2013, Osaka, Japan

  11. S.A.Cheng, 2010, Sustainable wastewater treatment using bio-electrochemical system, 1st International Conference on Environmental Technology and Environmental Standard, (Invited Keynote),  Hangzhou, China,May 22-25

  12. S.A. Cheng, 2009, Energy from Biomass---Microbial Fuel Cell System, ZJU-UIUC Mini-Symposium on Energy and Environment, (Invited presentation), Hangzhou,China, Oct. 20

  13. S.A.Cheng, 2009, Bioenergy from renewable resource using microbial electrochemical cells,   Asian Doctoral Innovation Conference, (Invited Keynote ) Hangzhou, China Nov.22-25

  14. S.A.Cheng, 2009, Application considerations of MFC for wastewater treatment, (Invited Keynote ), The 2nd Chinese MFC meeting, Beijing, Nov. 13-14

  15. S.A.Cheng, 2009, Reduction of CO2 to methanation through bioelectrochemical catalysis, Invited seminar, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, Nov.15

  16. Cheng, Defeng Xing, and Bruce E. Logan, 2009. CO2 methanation through bioelectrochemical catalysis,  The 238th ACS National Meeting, (Oral presentation) Washington DC, August 16-20, 2009

  17. Cheng, E. Lalaurette, and Bruce E. Logan, 2009, Increasing in Hydrogen Production Rate of microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) by reducing electrode spacing, 2009 NHA Conference & Hydrogen Expo, (Oral presentation),  Columbia, South Carolina, March 30-April 3,

  18. S.A.Cheng, 2008, Bioenergy from renewable resource using microbial electrochemical cells (MFCs, MECs) , Invited seminar, East China University of Science and Technology, June 19

  19. S.A.Cheng, 2008, Sustainable Energy System Based on the Bio-electrochemistry, Invited seminar, Zhejiang University , Hangzhou,, June 9-19

  20. S.A Cheng, D.F. Xing and B.E. Logan. 2008. Bioenergy generation from cellulose  in single-chamber microbial cells (MFC, MEC), 236th ACS National Meeting, (Oral presentation) Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 17-21.

  21. L.Huang, Cheng, and B.E. Logan. 2008. Electricity production from paper recycling wastewater in continuous-flow microbial fuel cells, 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 17-21.

  22. Cheng and B. E. Logan. 2008. Evaluation of Catalysts and Membranes for High Yield Biohydrogen Production via Electrohydrogenesis in Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MECs), Vienna,, Sept. 7-12.

  23. B.E. Logan, S.A. Cheng, and D. Call. 2008. Hydrogen production by electrohydrogensis using microbial electrolysis cells, the 19th Annual NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference and Hydrogen Expo US, Sacramento, CA, March 30 - April 4.

  24. Y. Zuo, Cheng, D. Call and B.E. Logan. 2007. Tubular membrane cathodes for scalable power generation in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Pres. CrossOver at Penn State, University Park, PA, Sept.4-5,

  25. Cheng, B.E. Logan. 2007. High hydrogen yield from renewable resources using an improved BEAMR system, 234th annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, (Oral presentation), Boston, MA, August 21-22.

  26. B.E. Logan, S. A. Cheng, V. Waston. 2007. Progress and challenges in scale up of electrogenic reactors such as microbial fuel cells, Keynote talk, 234th annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, August 21-22.

  27. Y. Zuo,Cheng, D. Call, B.E. Logan. 2007. Tubular Membrane Cathodes for Microbial Fuel Cell applications. 234th annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston,  MA, August 21-22.

  28.  Y. Zuo, S.A Cheng, D. Call, B.E Logan. 2007. Tubular Membrane Cathodes for Scalable Power Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells. Pres. Materials Day at Penn State, University Park, PA, April 10-11.

  29. Cheng, B.E. Logan. 2006. Increasing power generation of microbial fuel cells through anode surface treatment, Pres. Hydrogen Day at Penn State, Penn State, University Park, PA, November 14.

  30. S.A Cheng, Y. Zuo, J. E. Middaugh, B. E. Logan. 2006. Candidate Materials for Microbial Fuel Cells, Pres. Materials Day at Penn State, University   Park, PA, April 10-11.

  31. B.E. Logan, S.A. Cheng, H. Liu. 2005. Increasing power generation in a continuous flow MFC by advective flow through the anode and reduced electrode spacing. 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, CD

  32. B.E. Logan, S.-E Oh, H. Liu, J. Heilmann, S.A. Cheng, S. Grot. 2005. Comparison of electricity production using water vs. air-cathode microbial fuel cell technoloyies. 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, CD

  33.  B.E. Logan, H. Liu, J. Heilmann, S.-E Oh, Cheng, S. Grot. 2005. Electricity and hydrogen production using different types of microbial fuel cell technologies. 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, CD

  34. Cheng, H. Liu, B.E. Logan. 2004. Optimization of Air Cathode Used in One- chamber Microbial Fuel Cells. 228th ACS National Meeting, (Oral presentation) Philadelphia,  PA, Aug. 22-26, Vol. 44, No. I, pp.1514-1516. CD

  35. B. Min, R. Ramanathan, S.A. Cheng, B.E. Logan. 2004. Electricity production in salt bridge and membrane microbial fuel cells. 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 22-26, Vol. 44, No. I, pp.1485-1488. CD

  36. B. Min, S. Oh, H. Liu, S.A. Cheng and B.E. Logan. 2004. Electricity generation from animal wastewater using a microbial fuel cell. Pres. Hydrogen Day at Penn State, Penn State, University Park, PA, October 25.

  37. Cheng, B.E. Logan. 2004, Optimizing Pt-air cathode for microbial fuel cell. Pres. Hydrogen Day at Penn State, University Park, PA, October 25.

  38. T.F. Otero, S.A. Cheng, F. Huerta. 2000. New Hybrid Materials polypyrrole/Polyoxoanions. Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties, Comité Científico del XV Congreso SIBAE 2000, May 6-11, Mexico.

  39. T.F. Otero, S.A. Cheng, F. Huerta. 2000. Electrogeneration and Electrochemical Properties of Hybrid Material polypyrrole doped with [SiCr(H2O)W11O39]5-, Comité Científico del XV Congreso SIBAE 2000, May 6-11, Mexico.

  40. S.A. Cheng, T.F. Otero. 1999 Electrogenerations and kinetics of polypyrrole doped with heteropolyanion from organic solution.(in oral), X Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquimica, April 6-9, EVORA-PORTUGAL.